Did the story or characters take any unexpected directions from your original plans? I’m a big planner (especially when it comes to something like the Stitch Trilogy, which has a fairly complex backstory and very twisty storyline), so there hasn’t been too much divergence from my original plans, when it came to the main characters at least. But as the series has developed, I’ve found some of the side characters playing much bigger roles than I ever anticipated. Nikhil and Lizzie in particular just started as one-dimensional throwaway characters when I first set out to write Stitch, but over time – either through necessities of the plot or reader demand – these characters have taken on a life of their own and really impacted the story in major ways that I didn’t foresee at first. So that was definitely a surprise, but a good one! <continue reading>
While you’re there, you can also enter a giveaway for an e-book copy of Stitch or Shudder (winner’s choice!). Don’t miss out!
Thanks so much to Michael for hosting me!!