Stitch – Now Available at an Online Retailer Near You!
It’s official: Stitch has launched! Readers can now buy it at the following locations: Amazon – Print & Kindle editions Smashwords –...
Stitch – Now Available at an Online Retailer Near You!
Book Formatting Woes: I figured out the hard stuff so you don’t have to! (Part 2)
There Are No Words
Book Formatting Woes: I figured out the hard stuff so you don’t have to! (Part 1)
The Big Reveal: Stitch Cover Art!
Any Advice? Marketing & Promotion Schedule
Navigating the Befuddling World of Book Blogs
On Freedom & Liberty (and a Belated Happy 4th!)
Making the Connection – Marketing a Book to Readers
Why I Decided to Self-Publish
The Why & How of Writing a Novel (Part 2)
The Why & How of Writing a Novel (Part 1)
And so it begins…
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